Copyright © 2024 Michael A. Brown
After Antichrist has established
himself in Jerusalem and gelled together his one-world system with the help of
the ten kings, he will introduce a worldwide multi-purpose identification
system which will be imposed on everyone in the world without exception. As well as helping to cement the cohesiveness
of his one-world system, this will also unify the global human population
around their allegiance to Antichrist.
The False prophet is the one who will implement this project on behalf
of Antichrist and roll out this infamous ‘mark of the Beast’:
‘He also
forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a
mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell
unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his
name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the
number of the beast, for it is man’s number.
His number is 666.’
(Rev. 13:16-18)
Although people in the UK generally find
the idea of introducing a ‘national identity card’ distasteful and very much
‘un-British,’ simply because we have never had such a thing in this country,
yet many other countries do operate such a national ID system with their
citizens. Whereas we tend to use our
passport or driving licence as proof of identity, many other people in the
world simply use their ID card which has been issued for that very purpose.
Identification cards or documents are
therefore quite common in the world.
Most of the time, they are used for positive, practical purposes
regarding proof of ID. However, there
have also been times in history when identification marks have been used for
nefarious purposes. Ptolemy Philopator
ordered all the Jews in Alexandria to be registered among the common people,
and then to be branded on their body with the ivy-leaf symbol of
Dionysius-Bacchus (3 Macc. 2:28-29). The
Nazis forced all Jewish people, in both Germany and the countries they
occupied, to stitch a yellow cloth in the shape of the star of David onto their
coat in such a way that it was visible.
They would then be easily recognisable in public as Jews. Many of them experienced harassment, slander,
humiliation, being spat on, bullying, beating beaten and kicked, or were even
sometimes killed while simply walking down the street, by people who were
deluded enough to believe the poisonous Nazi propaganda. Similarly, people who ended up in Nazi
concentration camps, regardless of their ethnicity, each had a number several
digits long tattooed onto their inner forearm.
This was their unique personal identification number. They were addressed by this number, rather
than by their name, being seen and treated as worthless impersonal objects by
their captors, rather than as human beings.
However, we can see from the passage above
in Revelation 13:16-18 that, in the time of the reign of Antichrist, there will
be an identification system created for all citizens of the global community
and which they will be forced or coerced into submitting to. There will be no exceptions: it will be for
small and great, rich and poor, and free and slave alike. Furthermore, this mark will not be something
that they can carry around with them in their pocket or wallet. Rather it will be something that is marked
onto their physical body in some way, on their right hand or on their
forehead. As we shall see below, this
identification system will have multiple purposes and uses, and the kind of
technology that will probably be used in it, is already being developed. According to v.17, the mark will be
identifiable by its association with the name of the Beast or the number 666,
which is the number of his name.
Precursors of the mark of
the beast in the present day
The use of RFID chips the size of a grain
of rice which have been embedded below the skin into the body (often in the
soft tissue between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand) is an
increasing trend, certainly in westernised countries. For the sake of personal convenience in
‘making life easier,’ they can be used to open doors, or to check in or out at
work, for example.[1]
The development of a new contactless
biometric identification system has now facilitated a ‘pay by palm’ method of
paying for goods in some supermarkets.
You simply wave your hand over the scanner at the checkout, and this
then reads your debit card details which are linked up to your unique encrypted
palm image – your palm signature – using this contactless biometric
identification system.[2] This is eerily similar to the mark of the
Beast. Although it is not the mark, it
is certainly a precursor of it. It gives
us a clear idea of where things are heading, and of what is to come, sooner now
rather than later.
Parallel to this, a present general trend
in the world of commerce, banking and finance, is towards creating a cashless
society, i.e. replacing physical money and cash which we can hold in our hand
and wallet, with ‘digital money’ which will simply be a number in our new
central bank account which will have been set up for this purpose. The Bank of England in UK has already set up
a task force to plan out how to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency
(CBDC) in the UK for the use of customers and businesses. It is expected that physical cash will be
phased out by the late-2020s.[3],[4]
The convenience of this is that large
amounts of cash would no longer need to be counted or handled by either bank
tellers or businesses, saving a lot of time.
It would also deal a blow to counterfeiters and money-launderers, so
reducing fraud. It is also convenient in
that dealing electronically with money and payments is much, much faster than
dealing with physical money. This
development is already being experimented with in certain countries.[5]
However, regardless of the convenience and
benefits inherent in a cashless society, what many people do not realise is
that, once physical money has been removed and dependence on ‘digital money’
becomes the new norm, people will never be able to access their money ever
again. From that time on, their money
will literally always belong to the central bank, never to them. And if a central bank decides to charge
negative interest rates, then people would no longer be able to avoid this
simply by withdrawing their money. They
would have to spend it instead, and this would discourage saving.[6]
In a different but related area, the goal
of the growing ID2020 Alliance is to develop a secure and private digital ID
which is trusted, verifiable and portable, ostensibly for the one in seven
people in the world who have no means of proving their identity. It will be a computerised record of who a
person is, and such records will be stored in a registry. As of the time of writing, it aims to contain
details of a person’s financial records; proof of their vaccination history;
their health record, which can then be accessed anywhere and as needed by
health professionals; and it will allow the person to conduct business, to
travel and to vote. For purposes of
security, it will involve the use of biometrics and blockchain.[7],[8]
Supporters of this concept would no doubt
justify it by saying that it would greatly aid doctors and other medical
professionals to help people who fall sick, by being able to access their
personal medical records. In this way,
such records would be accessible wherever in the world a person falls sick or
has had an accident. However, laudable
and well-meaning though such a project appears to be, it immediately raises
several issues:
this digital ID be coerced upon people?
successful, will it (or something similar) also be rolled out for the other six
out of seven people worldwide?
would a person keep their digital copy of such a record: on a personal gadget,
or in/on their own body?
who will be allowed to have access to the centralised registry and its
information? Would this registry be
stored on a massive, centralised database in Geneva under the auspices of the
World Health Organisation?
you yourself really want all these details of your personal life to be stored
on a central database and to be available to other people?
The underlying issue in all this
that should rightly concern thinking people, is the new and increasing emphasis
on accessing and using a person’s physical body for such purposes and ends,
rather than using paper or electronic records outside our body, as people have
always done in the past. The
justification is, of course, that it will be the best, most secure, and
convenient way of keeping our personal records safe. However, this means that our body is
now no longer seen as a personal and autonomous thing. As things move in this direction, and they
certainly already are, then people will eventually lose their control over the
last area of personal autonomy that they have: their physical body. They will lose the kind of control and
freedom over the use of their own body that people everywhere have always
generally enjoyed and taken for granted.
They will no longer be fully in control of decisions that are made
regarding their body.
Taking this even further, as I said in
chapter 14 there are people in the transhumanist movement who desire to make
people into cyborgs by linking their physical bodies and brains up to
scientific paraphernalia and artificial intelligence. It seems that the world of science is now
rushing headlong into a brave new world in which people will become ‘augmented
humans,’ and in which in some scenarios they may no longer be truly and fully
human. Indeed, Elon Musk of Tesla went
so far as to say in 2017 that humans must merge with machines (so becoming
cyborgs), or risk becoming irrelevant in this age of artificial intelligence![9] Personally, my mind boggles at such concepts,
and yet the technology for such things is being developed even now. So I for one get apprehensive at the thought
of what science might be able to do by the time Antichrist does rise to power!
So what will the mark of
the Beast be, and what will it involve?
The Greek word charagma used
of the mark in Revelation 13:16 referred in daily use to a stamp, an impress,
an imprinted mark, a badge, or an engraving.
It was used in the world of business and commerce to refer to an owner’s
unique brand-mark. It was a mark made on
something which provided undeniable identification of that thing, or a symbol
which showed the irrefutable connection between different parties. For example, Roman slave-owners would often
brand or tattoo their slaves with such a mark of ownership, on their forehead,
arm or leg.[10] The Greek preposition epi which is
used twice in v.16 means ‘on’ or ‘upon,’ rather than ‘in.’
This therefore will be the mark of the
Beast: some kind of identifying mark of ownership which will be marked onto a
person’s body, either on their right hand or on their forehead.[11] Some have suggested that quantum dot
technology could perhaps be used to embed the mark just underneath a person’s
It is significant that the right to
buy or sell will be connected to the mark (Rev. 13:17). I believe that this is because it will only
be then, at that time, that the right to buy or sell can be seriously restricted
through the use of technology. The
globalists know full well that they cannot impose this on people at the present
time. The time has not yet come for it. People are still too free and too independent
to tolerate accepting such a restriction upon their life. It would immediately provoke a huge backlash
with massive street demonstrations in every town and city worldwide. So, personally, although I do think that the
hold of the globalist NWO over people’s lives is slowly getting incrementally
stronger and tighter, yet the basic right to buy and sell cannot and will not
be addressed by them until the time of Antichrist. In other words, it will be one of the very
last human rights and freedoms to be restricted, and this will happen in the
time of Antichrist through his use of the mark of the Beast.
Because people will not be able to buy or
sell if they don’t have the mark, it is therefore inevitable that the majority
of people in the world will take it. So,
among its other uses, it will certainly be used for payment purposes and
economic transactions. This ‘latest new
tech’ will perhaps be promoted initially under the guise of personal
convenience, but it will very quickly become the new and only way to pay for
things. So it will be deliberately used
to hit people at perhaps the most basic of all human instincts: the need to eat
in order to survive, and to look after your children so that they too can
eat. Therefore, many people will take
the mark of the Beast simply out of fear for their day-to-day survival. It will mean survival or starvation, quite
literally. They will choose survival,
and therefore they will take the mark.
In this way, they will be coerced into taking it.[14]
Therefore, when people take the
mark, they will bring themselves into total subjection and enslavement to the
system and rule of Antichrist. They may
secure the freedom to buy food or conduct business transactions, but they will
no longer have the right to decide what to do even with that most personal and
private of all things, their own physical body.
They will exchange their physical survival for Antichrist’s control over
them. Antichrist, together with the
authorities of his worldwide system, are the ones who from then on will control
what people do with their body. If
Antichrist can control your body and your right to buy food, then he will have
full control over you.
Antichrist will therefore have total
control over the life of everyone on the entire planet who submits to taking
the mark, and over everything they do. People
everywhere will become enslaved, literally so, to this end-times one-world
order. If they decline to submit
to any new regulation which is introduced, then the next time they are in the
supermarket, they will suddenly find that their own personal, physical payment
system does not work. Their mark will be
declined by the check-out machines.
Someone out there had turned off the payment facility in their mark,
because of their lack of compliance to the new regulation. That is until they ‘freely’ choose to comply,
of course…
At the present time, none of us knows with
certainty what form the mark will take and what taking it will involve
practically, but the trends and developments which I have discussed above do
indicate the general direction in which things are moving very fast now. Unless we are to assume that the mark will
simply be nothing more than a symbolic identification mark on a person’s right
hand or forehead, the recognition of which will grant them the right to buy
food or to conduct business transactions, then, taking into consideration
everything I have said above and what I also say further below, it is
reasonable to conclude that receiving the multiple-purpose mark of the Beast
will certainly or probably mean at least the following:
will provide a unique personal digital identification.
could perhaps be used for convenience’s sake for simple everyday tasks, such as
those mentioned above.
will probably contain your complete medical history, and your vaccination
will house the ongoing record and details of your bank account(s).
will certainly be the only way in which to conduct commercial and personal
financial transactions, to buy and to sell.
will be a sign of personal allegiance to Antichrist’s system (see below).
will be the seal of Antichrist’s ownership of the person who has taken it (see
could well be linked to some form of artificial intelligence through which you
are controlled by Antichrist’s system.
will be a tool that can be used to coerce people into ongoing submission and
compliance to Antichrist’s system.
severe judgement awaits those who do receive it.
The contrast between the
mark of the Beast and the seal of God
As I noted in chapter 16, the
biblical motif of marking people out, for whatever purpose or end, comes from a
vision of the prophet Ezekiel in which God marked out those people in Jerusalem
who were faithful to him, and who grieved and lamented over all the detestable
things that were being done in the city:
the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side
and said to him, “Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the
foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that
are done in it.” As I listened, he said
to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or
compassion. Slaughter old men, young men
and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” So they began with the elders who were in
front of the temple…’
(Ezek. 9:3-6)
In this case, the people who were
marked out were those who belonged to God and whose heart allegiance was truly
towards him. These people would be saved
from the outpouring of God’s wrath on Jerusalem in the time of the Babylonian
conquest. It was a mark that would bring
them salvation and deliverance in the time of God’s wrath and judgement. However, the rest of the people came under the
judgement of God, and they died in the destruction that came through the
As we shall see below, this motif of being
marked or sealed is used also in the book of Revelation, in reference to the
mark of the Beast and the seal of God.
The mark of the Beast is presented to us
in Scripture in contrast with the seal of God upon his people. The passage in Revelation 13:16-18 which
describes the mark of the Beast, is followed immediately by the description in
Revelation 14:1-5 of the 144,000 who were sealed by God. Remember that, in the original writings of
the Scriptures, there were no verses, chapters or passage headings to help us
to read and study the word of God. So
the passage in Revelation 13:16-18 was followed immediately without a break at
all by that in Revelation 14:1-5. It is
therefore obvious that we are expected to compare and contrast the mark of the
Beast with the seal of God.[15]
The seal of God, of course, is the Holy
Spirit who is given to believers as the seal of their salvation and as a down
payment which guarantees their future redemption and inheritance (cf. Eph.
1:13-14; 2 Cor. 1:21-22, 5:5). The Greek
word sphragis, which was used of the impression made by a seal or
signet, meant ‘an emblem of ownership’ and it implied security from
destruction. So receiving this seal of
God means that a believer is owned by him, much as a farmer marks his sheep out
with a particular colour of dye on their woollen coat, in order to distinguish
them from sheep which belong to the neighbouring farmer. So those who have received the seal of God
belong to him: they are owned by him and are his property; they are members of
his kingdom and his willing servants; they have given him the love and
allegiance of their heart; and, they are saved from eternal destruction.
The 144,000 are, as I made clear in
chapter 16, a large group of Jewish believers who are saved and anointed for
ministry during the time of Daniel’s seventieth week. They were sealed in Revelation 7:2-8 during
the time of the sixth seal, but they appear again in Revelation 14:1-5, as
‘Then I
looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him
144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads…’ (Rev. 14:1)
In this latter passage, the 144,000
are evidently standing on the heavenly Mount Zion in the presence of God and
the Lamb, rather than on earth. They are
described as having been redeemed from the earth (14:3). The implication seems
to be that they have been martyred for their faithfulness to Yahweh sometime
during the Great Tribulation, probably in the earlier part of it. They did not take the mark of the Beast, and
neither did they worship the Beast or his image. And so they paid for their allegiance and
faithfulness to God with their life.
This group of martyred servants of God,
who have the Lord’s name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads, are
placed before us in direct contrast with those who receive the mark of the
Beast in Revelation 13:16-18. The mark
of the Beast will therefore be the seal of a person’s allegiance to
Antichrist’s worldwide system, and this mark will be his seal of ownership upon
all the people worldwide who submit themselves to receiving it. From both a spiritual and practical
perspective, they will belong to Antichrist.
Their soul, their body and their life will be owned by him. They will worship him and his image, and
their life will be controlled in detail by the authoritarian structure of his
worldwide system.
During this worldwide reign of Antichrist,
there will be no fence-sitting. People
will have to make a clear choice between faith in God through Jesus and their
allegiance to him, or aligning themselves completely with the world’s
Antichrist system. They will belong
either to God or to Satan. There will be
no wiggle-room in the middle! To take
the mark will mean giving allegiance not only to Antichrist, but also to Satan
who is possessing him and working through him.
It will mean an idolatrous satanic allegiance and bowing the knee to
him, rather than to God. The people who
take the mark will therefore be marked out for judgement, wrath and
destruction. However, by contrast, those
who are courageous enough to give their whole-hearted allegiance to Jesus, and
who stay faithful to him and therefore refuse the mark, will not undergo the
judgement of God and his wrath. For them
it will simply mean martyrdom (which is an entirely different thing than
experiencing the wrath of God, of course).
They will pay for their faith with their life.
The warning about the
consequences of receiving the mark
The third angel gives us a severe
warning in Revelation 14:9-11 that could not be any clearer, regarding those
who receive the mark of the Beast and/or who worship the Beast and his image: it
will lead to the eternal damnation of their soul. This is not literary hyperbole. Nor is it just an idle threat from God
designed to make people fearful of taking the mark and of worshipping the
Beast, but which should not be taken literally.
It underlines the seriousness with which God takes the wilful sin of
this idolatrous allegiance:
anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead
or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been
poured out full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulphur in
the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever
and ever. There is no rest day or night
for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the
mark of his name.’
(Rev. 14:9-11)
This warning passage indicates in no
uncertain terms with what depth of seriousness God views the mark of the
Beast. The allegiance to Antichrist and
the idolatry of him that are implicit and involved in taking the mark and
worshipping his image, will have severe consequences in terms of a person’s
eternal destiny. There will be no
redemption for anyone who takes the mark. The taking or not of the mark will be the
ultimate choice between eternal life and eternal death. Furthermore, it is also the first thing upon
which God will pour out his wrath and judgment in the seven bowls:
first angel poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke
out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image.’ (Rev. 16:2)
So, because the majority of people
in the world will take the mark, this judgement that will be poured out in the
first bowl of wrath will therefore affect most people on the planet. Imagine it: ugly and painful sores all
over your body. The word of God
does not say for how long these ugly and painful sores will last, but they will
certainly not be an affliction that simply clears up in a day or two. Slaves to a worldwide system that controls
your entire life, and now with your body also covered in ugly and painful sores
that neither the False Prophet nor medical science will have any cure for. What horrible misery, and with the certainty
of a lost eternity in the lake of fire to follow!
The fact that ugly and painful sores will
break out on people’s body may simply be the act of God’s judgement that
Revelation 16:2 seems to indicate it to be.
However, it may also suggest that there could be a general and
widespread physiological reaction in people’s body in response to the
functioning of the technology associated with the placing of the mark on their
body. Something that was perhaps neither
understood nor planned beforehand. Who
knows… There have certainly been plenty
of examples in modern medical history of unintended and serious consequences in
people’s bodies caused by the latest touted ‘miracle’ drug or cure.
Believers who refuse to
take the mark
However, there will be many people
certainly among those who come to faith during the period of the seventieth
week (and particularly in Israel among the Jews), who will refuse to take the
mark. And the Holy Spirit encourages
believers on this point: don’t take the mark, regardless of the
consequences for you. The
consequence of refusing to take the mark, just as with refusal to worship the
Beast and his image, will be death.
The taking or not of the mark will be the ultimate dividing of the ways
not only between eternal life and eternal death, but also between survival and
martyrdom in this present life:
calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s
commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who
die in the Lord from now on.”’
(Rev. 14:12-13)
‘And I
saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the
sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the
number of his name.’
(Rev. 15:2)
Gaining victory over the Beast and
his image, and over the number of his name, will lie in the willingness to so
live in loving submission and surrender to God, that you are prepared to
pay the ultimate price and lay down your life for your faith in Christ:
overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony; they did
not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.’ (Rev. 12:11)
This is a choice that many
believers have faced down through the ages, both in Scripture and in various
periods of persecution against believers.
It was the stark choice that Daniel’s three friends faced and from which
they did not shrink. They refused to bow
down before Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, and they were thrown into the fiery
furnace as a result (Dan. ch.3). They
kept the integrity of their faith strong and pure. Likewise, the Lord exhorted the believers in
Smyrna to be strong in the face of imprisonment and torture for their faith, to
be faithful unto death, and they would receive the crown of life (Rev. 2:10).
Those who refuse to give their allegiance
to the Beast and his system, who refuse to submit to the idolatry of
worshipping him or his image, and who refuse to take the mark, will pay the
ultimate price and be martyred for their faith.
However, believers who overcome in this way during the Great Tribulation
will also be raised from the dead at the time of the Second Advent, and they
will then reign together with the Lord in his millennial kingdom:
‘And I
saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for
Jesus and because of the word of God.
They had not worshipped the beast or his image and had not received his
mark on their foreheads or their hands.
They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.’ (Rev. 20:4)
Happily, though, the word of God does give
us grounds to believe that there will be a significant number of people in
different nations who survive the Great Tribulation, and who will then come to
worship Yahweh annually in Jerusalem during the millennial reign of
Christ. From this it seems that these
people must have refused to take the mark and somehow survived until the end of
the Great Tribulation:
the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year
after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast
of Tabernacles.’ (Zech.
Copyright Notice
HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011
by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
[1] In 2021, it was
reported that some people in Sweden were happy to have their Covid-19 vaccine
passport merged with an implantable microchip which was then embedded into
their hand. See,
accessed 03.12.2021.
[2] See the article
dated 26.04.2021, and accessed on 21.10.2021.
[3] See,
article dated 19.04.2021, and accessed on 21.10.2021.
[4] Some think that,
even if coins are phased out completely, yet cash notes may well remain to an
extent, certainly until the mark of the Beast is introduced, so that older
people and others who are not tech savvy would still be able to buy food and
pay for necessary goods. It may well be
that banknotes themselves will have a nano-level tracking marker inserted into
them, in order to track their use and therefore the spending habits of those
who use them.
[5] See for example,
article dated 17.07.2019, and accessed on 21.20.2021, and,,
article dated 20.09.2017, and accessed on 21.10.2021.
[6] Furthermore, not
only could such digital spending be monitored in real-time, there have also
been suggestions that future digital currencies could be ‘programmable,’ i.e.
those who issue the money would have the power to control how it is spent. It could be programmed to make sure that it
is spent only on essentials, or on things which an employer or the government
deem to be sensible or necessary, or within a defined time span after which it
cannot be used. See,
accessed 21.01.2022.
[7] See,, and, each accessed on
[8] In some
low-income, remote communities in West Africa, a new biometric identity
platform was launched recently which will combine Covid-19 vaccinations and
cashless payments, and which will also have potential law enforcement
applications. It is being developed by a
partnership involving the GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and Trust
Stamp. See,
accessed on 21.10.2021.
[9] See the relevant
footnote references in chapter 14.
[10] See,
accessed 22.12.2022.
[11] Regarding
biometric technology, the fact that the mark will be placed on a person’s right
hand or on their forehead, may suggest that the mark could be linked to a
person’s encrypted palm image, or their retinal or iris pattern. Both the palm of the hand and the retina and
iris of the eye are unique personal identifiers.
[12] See an example of
the present use of quantum dot technology in such a way at,
accessed 03.12.2021.
[13] Apart from an
isolated use in Acts 17:29 (where it refers to sculpted figures), the Greek
word χάραγμα is used exclusively by John in the book of Revelation. Together with its related forms χαρακτήρ and
χάραξ, it refers to a scratched or engraved mark or image. These words derive from the verb χάρασσειν
meaning ‘to sharpen,’ ‘to cut into’ or ‘to engrave.’
Similarly, Paul
uses the word στίγματα uniquely in Galatians 6:17 where its best rendering
would probably be ‘scars.’ This word was
generally used to refer to a stamp, imprint or engraved sign made by pricking
or branding. It is also used in the LXX
in Leviticus 19:28 to render the Hebrew words kethobeth qa’aqa referring
to cutting, disfiguring or branding the body.
The NIV translates it as ‘tattoo marks.’
It is rooted in the verb στίζειν, meaning ‘to stick into,’ ‘to incise,’
‘to punch’ or ‘to prick,’ so as to make a mark which is a recognition of
ownership. Such marks were branded on
slaves to indicate their owner, sometimes on criminals, sometimes on soldiers
to indicate their monarch, and on the necks or thighs of horses and
camels. So the underlying concepts in
being marked were those of ownership, enslavement and allegiance.
It is interesting
to note that the obsolete Greek letter ς (‘stigma’) is used in the number ‘666’
in v.18. The letters used in this number
are χξς (chi-ksi-stigma). It might
perhaps seem that we are left to draw out the implicit connection between the
use of χάραγμα (‘mark’) in vv.16-17 and this letter ‘stigma’ in v.18. This would then imply that the mark of the
Beast might well consist of something inserted just below the skin, rather than
strictly upon it. The insertion of chips
just underneath the skin is now being seen as not only acceptable, but almost
by some people as the latest social fashion to engage in. Some employers already use them on their
top-level employees. Quantum dot patches
work by making many tiny pinpricks in the skin over the area covered by the
patch. The use of the right hand is evidently
for usefulness, since the majority of people are right-handed. Verses 13:17-18 and 14:11 indicate that the
mark will be associated in some way with the name of the Beast or with ‘666’ as
the number of his name.
[14] The kind of
technology which as it continues to develop will eventually lead to the mark of
the Beast, is already being used in daily life.
Its continuing enhancement, and the almost constant updating and
upgrading with which we are only too familiar, is a natural progression towards
the emergence of the mark.
Younger people in
particular always seem very eager to adopt the latest app. or its upgrade. Since they have been born and brought up in a
world in which the use of tech is increasingly necessary to live daily life and
to access services, and because its use is often so convenient and can make the
tasks of daily living so much easier and simpler, they are easily deceived into
believing that it is harmless.
Our willingness to
take on board the latest upgrade almost as soon as it becomes available is
conditioning us into a mindset of believing that this is the way life must be
lived in order to stay abreast of developments.
So when the mark finally emerges as ‘the next upgrade,’ it will require
only a few simple steps to take it, and this will appear to people to be a very
natural thing to do. It will seem to
them to be ‘just another upgrade’ like many others they have downloaded over
the years (for whatever use).
The crucial point
at which people need to be wise and discerning in using tech (if they are
willing) is when it becomes invasive of their physical body. For example, in
terms of it being wearable, or measuring data regarding their body’s
physiological wellbeing and transmitting this data elsewhere, or it being
actually linked to or integrated in some way with their body (such as in making
purchases using Amazon One’s ‘pay by palm’ method described above). Regardless of the apparent good, convenience
and practical usefulness of such forms of tech, becoming used to accepting them
uncritically is conditioning people to eventually taking the mark as a matter
of course.
So when it does
appear on the world scene, the mark of the Beast will simply be ‘the latest
upgrade’ which people will be requested and encouraged to adopt, and then soon
coerced and forced into taking onto their body in order to continue to have the
right to buy and sell. It will be ‘the
new and latest way of doing things.’
Many people will already be using, or will be used to, its precursor
tech and upgrades. In this sense, the
mark will probably appear to many people to be no big deal, and they will be
easily deceived into receiving it onto their body. And furthermore, because it will be tied to
their right to buy and sell, and therefore to their physical survival, they
will no doubt flock in droves to take it out of the instinct of
[15] The placing of the mark of the Beast on the right hand or the forehead is echoed in the description given of God’s commandments to the ancient Jews, which were to be bound as a sign on their hand or on their forehead between their eyes (Deut. 6:8, 11:18). The Jews would affix tefillin (small boxes containing biblical texts) to their hands and foreheads. In the New Testament, these were called ‘phylacteries’ (Matt. 23:5). Seen from this Jewish perspective, the mark of the Beast is therefore intended to replace the commandments of God, i.e. its purpose is to signify rejection of the will of God and allegiance to him. Similarly, the reference in Exodus 13:8-9,15-16, where the sign on the hand or symbol on the forehead represented salvation from death and destruction.
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