Copyright 2024 Michael A. Brown
Whereas Part 1 of this book focused
on the theme of the pre-tribulation rapture, as the event which all believers
should be looking forward to with joy and anticipation, much of Part 2 which
follows is taken up with the theme of what happens in this world after the
rapture, in the end-period of this age.
As such, it makes much use of the book of Revelation, and generally
follows a moderate futurist interpretation.
However, it is not intended to be a commentary on Revelation, and indeed
there are many things in Revelation that it does not address.
The prophetic scriptures speak about the sunteleia,
the consummation or end-period of this age after the rapture, more than about
any other event or period of time in history, apart from the life, death,
resurrection and ascension of Christ.
The fact that the Holy Spirit spoke so much about this period of time
emphasises that God wants us to know, and that we therefore can know and need
to know, what is going to happen in the world after the rapture. To be or to remain ignorant of this would be
to do ourselves a great disservice. It
is something we need to know about, so that we can warn people, both believers
and unbelievers, so that they can prepare themselves by repenting from sin and
living a pure and obedient life in Christ, and therefore be ready when the
Bridegroom comes for his bride.
The simple (and to some people the unpalatable)
truth is that the end-times are now upon us.
They are not ‘coming soon,’ they are already here! Events around us everywhere, and in every
relevant sphere of human life, confirm this fact. We have already entered the time when what
the Bible says about the end-times is playing out before our eyes. To live in denial of this is either ignorance
or blindness, or it is simply to bury our head in the sand and pretend that it
is not really happening. We need to be
prophetically aware of these end-times in which we live, and to live in the
light of this.
The teaching of eschatology (i.e. teaching
about the end-times), is neglected in too many churches in our generation,
especially in UK. And this therefore
leaves many believers woefully ignorant about many things which they ought to
know and understand. The influence of
left-wing liberalism has made such inroads into church life generally that it
has shifted people’s attention away from – or even silenced altogether – the
prophetic voice about what is ahead.
The apostle Peter tells us that, in their
day, the Old Testament prophets searched the Scriptures intently and with the
greatest care to try to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit
of Christ within them was pointing, when he predicted the sufferings of Christ
and the glories that would follow (1 Peter 1:10-11). In the same way, the Lord’s prophets and
watchmen today also search the Scriptures intently and with the same great care
to find out the timing and circumstances of the end-time events which are even
now beginning to unfold on planet earth.
We are consciously aware that the Holy Spirit within us is pointing to
these events, and he is giving us a deep inner witness that they are to be
fulfilled very soon. He is telling us as
the body of Christ that the time has come, and that we therefore need to
prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord!
As I said in my introduction to Part 1,
this book presents a pre-tribulation view of the rapture, and this is embedded
in a premillennial view of the end-times.
In doing this, it is not my desire or intention to enter into polemical
conflict with anyone, but simply to present my own convictions on what I
believe the Scriptures teach about these matters.
So Part 2 has been written not just to
inform you as the reader of what lies just ahead, it is an exhortation to
prepare yourself, by getting right with God through the gospel message of Christ
and living a life that pleases him. Time
is short, and we need to focus on that which is worthwhile for eternity, rather
than simply allowing our time to be consumed and our life wasted by almost
non-stop trivia which is of no eternal value.
To live on the watchtower is to carry responsibility. It is to warn people, by blowing the trumpet
and sounding the alarm, so that sleeping believers and those who do not yet
know Christ can wake up and respond accordingly. To be forewarned is to be forearmed: the
apocalypse is rising!
Although this book was first published in
2022, yet I have endeavoured since then to keep up it up to date with the
unfolding development of end-times events by occasionally inserting relevant
details or footnotes. This should be
clear to the reader.
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