Copyright © 2024 Michael A. Brown
Revelation 15:1 – 16:21
is with the seven bowls of judgement described in Revelation chs.15-16 that
God’s end-time wrath is completed. They
are called the ‘seven last plagues’ or calamities. This implies clearly that the end-time
expressions of God’s wrath in judgement did not begin with these bowls. These judgements are the final expressions of
his wrath in the ‘day of the Lord,’ and they simply bring to an end what began
much earlier:
‘I saw in heaven another great and
marvellous sign: seven angels with the last seven plagues – last, because with
them God’s wrath is completed.’ (Rev. 15:1)
‘the day of the Lord,’ the ‘great day of the wrath of God and the Lamb,’ does
not begin here in Revelation ch.15. It
was first mentioned way back in Revelation 6:16-17 in the time of the breaking
of the sixth seal. The seventh seal
which then followed opened the way into the period of the seven trumpet
judgements (Rev. 8:1-6). The image of
the pouring out of fire onto the earth after the breaking of the seventh seal
signified that the end-time outpouring of God’s wrath, ‘the day of the Lord,’
began with the trumpet judgements (Rev. 8:5).
Furthermore, as we have seen, the repeated use of the fraction ⅓ in the
trumpet judgements is an image taken from the pouring out of God’s wrath in
judgement upon Jerusalem in Ezekiel’s day (Ezek. 5:2,12-13).
These seven bowls of God’s wrath follow on from the blowing of the seventh trumpet, and they happen towards the end of the Great Tribulation, in the second half of the seventieth week, prior to the return of Christ to earth in his Second Advent. This is illustrated in Figure 22.1 below:
22.1 The approximate timing of the seven bowls of wrath
word of warning and exhortation
he inspired these Scriptures through the apostle John, the Holy Spirit
interjected a strong reminder to be ready for the coming of the Lord:
‘Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his
clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.’
People need to be repent and to be
ready for the coming of the Lord, otherwise they will not be able to
avoid going through the judgements described in these bowls of wrath. They WILL go through them. It will be a terrible time to live
through, and the hardest-hitting Hollywood disaster movie doesn’t come anywhere
close to describing what it will be like!
image in this verse alludes to the watchmen who guarded the temple precincts in
Jerusalem during the night to ward off or catch any unwanted intruders. A watchman who slacked, fell asleep and
failed in this responsibility was either beaten or had his clothes set on fire,
as a warning to others! So as believers
who know and believe the Scriptures, we have no excuse. We ourselves have been forewarned, and we
need to warn others. Jesus said, ‘I
have told you everything ahead of time.’ (Mark 13:23).
prophetic song of deliverance
The references to ‘plagues’ in
verse 15:1 and to the song of Moses and of the Lamb in verse 15:3 give us an
indication as to where in the Scriptures we find the prophetic parallel of this
end-time outpouring of God’s wrath on earth.
Greek word used for ‘plagues’ in verse 15:1 is also used in the Septuagint
version of the exodus story in the time of Moses. It is probably better rendered here as
are two songs attributed to Moses in the Pentateuch: the Song of Moses and
Miriam, which the Israelites sang when they were delivered from their slavery
in Egypt (Ex. 15:1-21), and the Song of Moses, which he recited to the
Israelites at the end of their wanderings in the desert, just prior to their
entrance into the promised land (Deut. 32:1-43).
this song of Moses and the Lamb (recorded in verses 15:3-4) celebrates the
deliverance from the reign of the Beast (which will come to God’s people on
earth at the Second Advent), and also their entrance into the millennial reign
of King Jesus the Messiah which will follow on from that:
‘All nations will come and worship
before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.’
song is proclaimed prophetically in heaven before the pouring out on earth of
the seven bowls of God’s wrath, and it is sung by those who overcame the Beast,
his image and the number of his name (15:2).
These believers had not taken the mark of the Beast and, like Daniel’s
three friends in Daniel ch.3 who refused to bow before Nebuchadnezzar’s golden
statue, they had refused to worship the image of the Beast. Undoubtedly, they were beheaded as a
consequence of taking this stand for their faith, and so they became martyrs,
just as the Lamb himself had become the faithful martus (Rev. 1:5,
20:4). They overcame by not loving their
lives so much as to shrink from death (Rev. 12:11). God’s specific response in judgement to their
martyrdom is in the pouring out of the third bowl (16:4-6), just as Moses sang:
‘Rejoice, O nations, with his
people, for he will avenge the blood of his servants; he will take vengeance on
his enemies and make atonement for his land and people.’
(Deut. 32:43)
first and final manifestations of the Beast system
greater or lesser of the antichrist spirit in the socio-economic-political
sphere of human life invariably lead sooner or later to widespread suffering
and disaster. The evil spiritual powers
which control and operate these systems covertly behind the scenes, manifest
their evil ways through the structures that their human pawns have built up,
bringing untold suffering to the lives of millions of people, either on a
national or regional level. For example,
if Haman had had his way, then the entire Jewish population of the Persian
Empire in Queen Esther’s time would have been annihilated in a single day.
arguably the worst anti-theistic system the world has ever known, wherever it
manifests brings persecution upon the Church and often decimates its
power. This godless system creates a
society in which everyone lives to a large extent as a fearful and submissive
slave to the established order, with no real freedom at all, and it always
brings economic misery on everyone apart from the elite and those who remain
faithful to the Party. Stalin’s economic
and ethnic policies, and Mao’s Great Leap Forward, both led to catastrophic
consequences as millions of people starved to death, were imprisoned in labour
camps and died, or were simply taken out and executed.
the 1930s, Nazism in Germany exerted widespread state control over the Church
in that country, repressing the voice of conscience, and the Nazis proceeded to
commit the worst and most horrendous genocide against the Jewish people in
Europe which the world has ever seen.
Through the World War which ensued after Hitler’s rise to power, this
evil system ultimately brought catastrophe upon Germany, leaving almost this
entire nation in ruins, and it was divided up into two separate countries for
almost 45 years.
the new world order, the one-world system which is even now developing
globally, and which, sooner rather than later, will lead to the open worldwide
rule of Antichrist the Beast, is a system which runs thoroughly counter to
biblical Judeo-Christian values. The
spirit behind this system is anti-Christian and anti-Semitic. When Antichrist comes into power, his
one-world system will openly rise up against Israel and the Jewish people, just
as other historical manifestations of the Beast system did.
we saw in chapter 21, Satan in his rage will work through this Antichrist Beast
system to commit genocide yet again against the Jewish people, this time in
their historic homeland. He will also
cause people everywhere in the world to receive the mark of the Beast, and to
worship the Beast and his image. He will
kill off many of God’s prophets and servants, and he will cause lawlessness and
evil in people’s lives to know no bounds, waxing worse and worse.
ancient Egypt we see the first manifestation of the spirit of the Beast in
history. The Pharaoh was held to be the
manifestation in human form of Amun-Ra, the creator god of the ancient
Egyptians, and, in parallel with this during the end-time tribulation,
Antichrist will set himself up in the re-built temple in Jerusalem and proclaim
himself to be God (2 Thess. 2:4). The
controlling spirits behind the Pharaonic system moved their human pawns to
commit genocide against the Hebrews who had become trapped and enslaved by the
Egyptians (Ex. ch.1). In doing this,
these controlling spirits brought judgement upon both themselves and the
Egyptian people.
story of how God brought deliverance to the Israelites through Moses is one of
God bringing judgement upon the gods of Egypt.
These were representations of the evil spiritual powers behind this
system of the Beast, and the Egyptians worshipped them idolatrously (Ex.
12:12). They were seen as influencing
different areas of life. By the end of
the period of his judgement upon this system through the ten ‘plagues’ (as they
are so often called), God had demonstrated the powerlessness of these false
gods to save, and virtually the entire socio-economic structure of Egypt was
left in complete ruins. It was only
through such a period of extensive judgement that God’s ancient people were
able to be completely liberated.
the seven bowls of God’s wrath in Revelation ch.16, we see the end-time
prophetic fulfilment of the plagues of ancient Egypt. Just as God brought judgement on the first
manifestation of the Beast system, so too will he bring judgement upon its
final manifestation. The widespread
destruction which took place in Egypt is a prophetic picture of what will
happen in the world during the time of the Great Tribulation. If you want to know what kind of state the
world will be in by the end of the Great Tribulation, then consider the depth
of all-round devastation and utter ruin that Egypt was reduced to by the end of
the ten plagues and this will give you some idea. The worldwide Antichrist system will undergo
judgement, together with the demonic and fallen angelic spiritual powers which
were hurled down to earth from the heavenlies, and which then undergirded and
empowered Antichrist’s system. Their
powerlessness to save will be exposed and made plain to all who have eyes to
see (cf. Ex. 12:12; Rev. 12:4a,9).
period of God’s wrath poured out on the worldwide Beast system will ultimately
lead to the liberation of God’s land of Israel and his people, of those Jewish
people who have become true believers in Jesus as their Messiah during the
tribulation period, and of those among the Gentiles who have become believers
in that time and who have somehow managed to survive the rule of
Antichrist. It is through the Second
Advent of Christ that this act of liberation will finally take place.
as the complete destruction of Pharoah’s army in the Red Sea proved to be the
final act in the liberation of the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt, so
too the destruction of Antichrist’s army at Ha Megiddo after the Second Advent
of Christ will prove to be the decisive and final act in the liberation of
God’s land of Israel and the believing remnant of his people from the end-times
Beast system (see next chapter).
pouring out of God’s wrath on the nations
are told in Revelation 17:13,17 that the ten kings associated with the rise of
Antichrist will willingly give their power and authority to the Beast, and they
will make war with him against the Lamb, i.e. against God’s people on earth
(culminating in the events at Ha Megiddo just after Christ’s Second
Advent). It is interesting that even now
this trend has already begun. The
nations of the world are being increasingly encouraged, manipulated and
deceived into giving up their national sovereignty (and therefore their right
to govern their own nations freely), so that the globalists, who are striving
to bring the new world order into being, can gain increasing power and
authority over the nations and thereby establish this end-time system in the
the rise of this new world order will deceive the nations of the world, and
they will be willingly absorbed into its total agenda. The nations of the world will become a
humanity brought together and united under this agenda and its values. One part of this, as we have seen, is its
increasingly anti-Israel stance. The
expression of Satan’s rage against Israel and the Jews through Antichrist will
eventually involve the nations of the world:
‘The kings of the earth take their
stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed
One.’ (Ps. 2:2)
is this, along with other increasing worldwide expressions of sinful defiance
and rebellion against God, that will bring judgement down on the nations of the
world in the time of his wrath. This
human defiance and its judgement will eventually reach their climax in the
battle at Ha Megiddo (often called Armageddon) at the Second Advent of Christ
(Rev. 16:14,16; 19:17-21).
simple but profound lesson which is repeated many times in the Scriptures, is
that God will treat you in a similar way to how you have treated his
people. As you have done to Israel, so
will it be done to you:
‘The day of the Lord is near for
all nations. As you have done, it will
be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.’
(Obad. v.15)
just as God did not hold back from judging his ancient people when they fell
into sin and idolatry, neither will he hold back from judging the nations of
this world for their evil. In fact, the
history of Israel in the Old Testament is a paradigm from which we are to
learn: what God did to or allowed to happen to the Israelites, he will also do
or allow to happen to the nations of this world.
Isaiah nor Zephaniah minced their words when they described God’s end-time
judgements on the nations of the world, which were foreshadowed in judgements
upon the Israelites for their own sin.
They both give us graphic descriptions of the worldwide catastrophe
which will take place through these final expressions of God’s wrath:
‘See, the Lord is going to lay
waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its
inhabitants – it will be the same for priest as for people, for master as for
servant, for mistress as for maid, for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for
lender, for debtor as for creditor. The
earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The Lord has spoken this word.’
(Isa. 24:1-3)
‘“I will sweep everything from the
face of the earth,” declares the Lord.
“I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of
the air and the fish of the sea. The
wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the
earth,” declares the Lord.’ (Zeph. 1:2-3)
‘Come near, you nations, and
listen; pay attention, you peoples! Let
the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world, and all that comes out of
it! The Lord is angry with all nations;
his wrath is upon all their armies. He
will totally destroy them, he will give them over to slaughter. Their slain will be thrown out, their dead
bodies will send up a stench; the mountains will be soaked in their blood. All the stars of the heavens will be
dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall
like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree.’
(Isa. 34:1-4)
‘The great day of the Lord is near
– near and coming quickly… That day will
be a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a
day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness… I will bring distress on the people and they
will walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord. Neither their silver nor their gold will be
able to save them on the day of the Lord’s wrath. In the fire of his jealousy the whole world
will be consumed, for he will make a sudden end of all who live in the earth.’
(Zeph. 1:14-15,17-18)
Jesus spoke about the time of ‘great distress’ which will happen in the Great
Tribulation – in fact, it is this word ‘distress’ or ‘tribulation’ used in
Matthew 24:21 from which the Great Tribulation takes its name – he was speaking
not only of a time of tribulation which will come against Israel and the Jews
at that time, he was also referring to tribulation which will come upon the
whole world (cf. Luke 21:25-26).
used the examples of the Flood in Noah’s time and the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah in Lot’s time as analogies of this worldwide tribulation (Luke
17:26-29). To use again the analogy of
birth-pains, this will be the time when these birth pains become their most
intense: they will be very frequent, very intense and very painful! (Matt.
24:8). It will be so bad that some
people will die from heart failure as they experience deep levels of inward
stress and fear over what is happening in the world (Luke 21:26).
the words of Zephaniah 1:3 and 1:18 (quoted above), Matthew 24:22 (quoted
below) and Isaiah 13:12 (quoted further on in this chapter) clearly indicate
that the world will be largely depopulated during the Great Tribulation. Very many people will die or be killed,
that’s how bad this time of tribulation will be![1] However, as bad as it will be, the Lord will
not put an end to humanity even in this time of his wrath. In his purpose and his mercy, he has
shortened these days, so that, although many people will indeed die, yet at
least some will survive:
‘For then there will be great
distress, unequalled from the beginning of the world until now – and never to
be equalled again. If those days had not
been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days
will be shortened.’ (Matt. 24:21-22)
parallelism between the bowls of wrath and the plagues in Egypt
So, as we look at these seven bowls
of wrath in Table 22.1 on the following pages, we can see a distinct parallel
or connection in all of them to the plagues of Egypt in Moses’ time:
The Bowls of Wrath |
The Plagues in Egypt |
Bowl 1 (16:2) poured on the land ugly
and painful sores break out on those who received the mark of the Beast and worshipped
his image |
Plague 6 (Ex. 9:8:12) judgement on Sekhmet, the goddess of epidemics, and the gods of healing, Serapis and Imhotep fine dust in the air caused boils to break out on the skin of both people and animals |
Bowl 2 (16:3) poured on the sea the
sea turns into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the
sea dies |
Plague 1 (Ex. 7:14-24) judgement on Osiris and Hapi, two of the greatest Egyptian gods Hapi was seen as the water god of the Nile, giving life to the land around poured on the Nile whose waters were thought to be the lifeblood of Osiris the waters, streams and canals of Egypt all turned to blood all the fish died there
was blood everywhere in Egypt |
Bowl 3 (16:4-7) poured on the rivers and springs of water they become blood this
is a judgement specifically in response to the martyrdom of God’s prophets
and servants |
Bowl 4 (16:8-9) poured on the sun people are scorched and seared by the intense heat they
curse God, but still refuse to repent |
Plague 9 (Ex. 10:21-29) the
sun-god, Amun-Ra was the creator god, the greatest of the Egyptian deities |
Bowl 5 (16:10-11) poured out on the throne of the Beast his kingdom is plunged into darkness people
gnaw their tongues in agony and curse God, because of their pains and sores,
but they still refuse to repent |
Plague 9 (Ex. 10:21-29) judgement on the sun-god, Amun-Ra total darkness covered all Egypt darkness that could be felt everyone had to stay in their homes but
all the Israelites had light |
Bowl 6 (16:12-16) poured out on the Euphrates river its water is dried up, allowing the kings from the East to cross over three evil spirits in the form of frogs come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet these
spirits perform miraculous signs; they go out and deceive the kings of the
whole world, and they gather them together to Ha Megiddo in Israel for the
battle on the great day of God Almighty (i.e. the Second Advent) |
Plague 2 (Ex. 8:1-15) judgement on Heqet, the frog god who was a goddess of fertility associated with the annual flooding of the Nile river in bowl 6, these spirits which look like frogs are exposed as being a major source of spiritual deception, just as Heqet was a deceiving spirit the
source of their spiritual power is in the unholy trinity of
Dragon-Beast-False Prophet |
Bowl 7 (16:17-21) poured into the air flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake, the greatest that has ever occurred the great city splits into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapse Babylon the Great is thrown down (cf. Rev. ch.18) every island flees away and the mountains cannot be found huge hailstones weighing about 100 pounds fall on people people
curse God because of the hail |
Plague 7 (Ex. 9:13-35) judgement on Nut, the sky goddess, and on Isis and Seth, agricultural deities the worst hailstorm that ever occurred in the history of Egypt livestock that was left outside was all killed all the flax and barley crops in the fields were totally destroyed, and every tree was stripped bare rain, hail, lightning and thunder but it
did not hail in Goshen where the Israelites lived (cf. Josh. 10:11) |
Final act of liberation |
drowning of Pharoah’s army in the Red Sea (Ex.
ch.14) |
of Antichrist’s gathered army at Ha Megiddo (Rev.
16:12-14,16; 19:11-21) |
Table 22.1 Comparison between the
bowls of wrath and the plagues in Egypt
· Regarding
the time of the pouring out of these bowl judgements, the reference to the
throne of the Beast (16:10) evidently implies that it will be after Antichrist
has secured his position and his authority, and he has been seated on his
throne. Furthermore, the fact that the
first bowl is poured out on those who have received the mark of the Beast means
that that measure has also been implemented and that the idolatrous allegiance
of the masses to the Beast has been secured.
These facts suggest that these judgements will not be poured out
immediately at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, but rather at some stage
further into this 3½-year period. Many
commentators believe that it will be in the final year or so.
· The
first bowl (that of the dust which causes sores to break out on the physical
bodies of those who had received the mark of the Beast) corresponds to the
sixth plague in Egypt. Pharaoh’s
magicians had no answer to that plague, and so here too the False Prophet is
unable to overcome this judgement and to bring healing to the afflicted
followers of the Beast.
are told that the False Prophet can exercise some degree of evil spiritual
power to do signs and wonders which deceive people (Rev. 13:13-15). Yet it is clear that he can do nothing about
these bowl judgements, just as Pharaoh’s magicians could not respond at all to
the last eight plagues: ‘This is the finger of God.’ (Ex. 8:18-19). From the first bowl onwards, God works
throughout these judgements with a much higher and stronger power than that
which the False Prophet can demonstrate, thereby exposing the powerlessness of
the Beast system to overcome the power and judgements of God.
· As
the table shows, there are similarities to several of the plagues in
Egypt. Several of them are geographic,
meteorological or geological in nature, e.g. the references to water sources,
the sun, and to the storm and the severe earthquake (16:3-4,8,18,21). Water and light are sources upon which human
beings are dependent for the sustainment of life, but at the heart of all of
this lies a wrong and ungodly allegiance to the Beast. The fourth bowl (16:8-9) perhaps suggests the
end-time climax of increasing global warming, but obviously this extreme heat
will be felt to its greatest effect in certain parts of the planet. This suggests that there will be a period of
prolonged and very extreme heatwaves, resulting in famine, drought, extensive
apocalyptic wildfires, and consequent widespread loss of both human and animal
life. It would also probably mean that
major hurricanes and typhoons would be able to form at mid-latitudes (i.e.
further north or further south than the tropics), together with their associated
tornadoes, and so release their devastating impacts directly onto major coastal
centres of human population.
· Some
of these bowl judgements seem to be experienced simultaneously. People will still be gnawing their tongues in
pain from the effects of the dust from the first bowl, when they are plunged
into darkness in the fifth. So there is
no respite. Suffering piles up upon
suffering. The phrase ‘gnawed their
tongues’ suggests that they are in deep and continuous agony (16:10). Their physical bodies, their sources of
drinking water, and their God-given source of natural light are affected all at
the same time. By contrast, in Egypt,
each plague began only as the effects of the previous one ceased.
· The
fifth bowl is poured out onto the throne of the Beast which represents the
centre of his power and authority, just as Pharaoh’s throne represented his own
absolute, ‘divine’ power and authority (cf. 2 Thess. 2:4). The Beast’s kingdom is plunged into darkness
just as Egypt was in the ninth plague.
And there is nothing that either the Beast or the False Prophet can do
in the face of this encounter with the greater power of God Almighty. This man who proclaimed himself to be God is
rendered powerless. He and his infernal
colleague can bring neither healing nor light.
So, as a point of conjecture, might the third temple (where Antichrist
set up his throne) be destroyed in this fifth bowl?
impenitence of the human heart
Just as in the time of the seven
trumpets, we again see the impenitence of people’s hearts in the time of these
bowl judgements. However, whereas in the
time of the sixth trumpet, where we were told that people simply continued on
as they always had done, and did not turn to God in repentance from their sin
and idolatry (9:20-21), yet here in the time of the pouring out of God’s wrath
in the bowls, we are told that they actively and stubbornly refuse to repent:
‘…but they refused to repent and
glorify him… they refused to repent of what they had done.’
we see conscious, deliberate and wilful choice, the intransigent impenitence of
people’s hearts in obstinately refusing to change their sinful ways and
therefore also their own eternal destiny.
They did not understand and extrapolate from what they were experiencing
themselves and what they saw happening around them, the fact that they needed
to seek God and to repent from their sin.
The first three bowl judgements affect their allegiance to the Beast and
their dependence on water and light to sustain their daily life, yet they
refuse to repent and change their ways.
fact, not only do people refuse to repent, it says repeatedly that they
actually curse God in response to what is happening (16:9,11,21). Human nature can sometimes endure even the
greatest suffering, yet still not seek God and repent from sin. In fact, suffering often hardens the human
heart even further, and God’s megaphone to a deaf world is not heeded! This is the ultimate expression of the
sinful rebelliousness and defiance of the human heart towards God.
This reminds us of how Pharaoh
repeatedly hardened his own heart and refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt
(Ex. 8:15,19,32; 9:7,34-35). So God’s
judgements continued to rain down until, after virtually every part of Egypt’s
social and economic life was in complete ruins, and his own firstborn child was
left dead, Pharaoh finally relented and let the Israelites go. However, even then, as the narrative tells
us, he again foolishly hardened his heart and pursued them, with the result
that his entire army ended up being drowned in the sea. So he lost that too! (Ex. 14:5-31). In hardening his heart repeatedly, Pharaoh
brought almost complete destruction upon his country and his own people.
always exhorts people to repent from sin and to turn to him in faith, and
thereby become recipients of his mercy (Hab. 3:2), but hardened impenitence
ultimately brings only his judgement upon their lives (Amos 4:6-12). God seeks for people to repent because
he knows that their eternal destiny without him will be permanent, and it will
be far, far worse than any suffering they will ever experience in this life.
seventh bowl: the last and most intense of the birth pains
pains reach their greatest frequency, intensity and strength just before the
actual birth. So it is in the judgement
of the seventh bowl that we see described the greatest and last of the birth
pains that lead up to the Second Advent of Christ. It is after these events that the sign of the
Son of Man will be seen in the sky, and he will return to earth (Matt.
24:30-31, and see the next chapter).
seventh bowl describes a severe earthquake, a massive electrical storm which
will produce enormous hailstones, and the fall of Babylon the Great. However, there is another element in it which
is not mentioned in Revelation 16:17-21.
This element is the shaking of the heavens and the earth, and the cosmic
blackout which are mentioned by both Matthew and Luke:
‘Immediately after the distress of
those days “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the
stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”’
(Matt. 24:29)
‘There will be signs in the sun,
moon and stars. On the earth, nations
will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of
what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
(Luke 21:25-26)
is clear from Luke’s account that this shaking of the heavenly bodies will
profoundly affect life on planet earth.
So the shaking described is not that of far-flung stars in space (which
would not affect life on earth), it must be that of near space objects such as
the sun, moon, other nearby planets in the Solar System, asteroids, meteors and
nearby comets. When these bodies are
shaken, our planet will be greatly affected in consequence.
these nearby heavenly bodies are shaken, their orbital paths will suffer
perturbations and changes, and their gravitational and magnetic fields will be
seriously affected. These changes will
be of sufficient magnitude to affect life on this planet. So the earth’s own gravitational and magnetic
fields will be affected, causing great changes in the tides of the sea and
bringing massive sea-surges and tsunamis as a result, as intimated by Luke.
asteroids whose path in space takes them between the earth and moon – and there
are quite a number of these! – may have their trajectory changed to a degree
that they come crashing into earth instead of missing it, as Isaiah suggests:
‘…all the starry host will fall
like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree.’
(Isa. 34:4, cf. Matt. 24:29)
will cause widespread damage and atmospheric darkening, because of the vast
amounts of smoke and dust particles which will be kicked up into the earth’s
atmosphere. Satellite signals will be
completely blocked out, electrical grids will be severely disrupted worldwide
(if not brought down completely), and there will be a worldwide communications
blackout. Weather patterns will become
frighteningly destructive, causing the great and widespread storm that is
described in this seventh bowl.
Isaiah tells us that in the time of the destruction of the end-time Babylon the
Great, even the earth itself will be shaken in this way:
‘See the day of the Lord is coming
– a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger – to make the land desolate and
destroy the sinners within it. The stars
of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon
will not give its light. I will punish
the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the
haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. I will make man scarcer than pure gold, more
rare than the gold of Ophir. Therefore, I
will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the
wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of his burning anger.’
(Isa. 13:9-13 underlining my own for emphasis)
this will be so shocking that some people will faint from fear, or even die of
a sudden heart attack caused by anguish, stress and anxiety, as the AV
rendering of Luke 21:26 seems to suggest: ‘men’s hearts failing them for
shaking of the earth may well be a significant contributory factor in the
severe earthquake and the destructive weather patterns that we are told will
happen during the time of the seventh bowl.
Such a great earthquake would also undoubtedly produce catastrophic
tsunamis in many parts of the world, bringing further great destruction and
loss of life.
severe earthquake
tell us that the magnitude of an earthquake is proportional to the length of
the geological fault-line upon which it takes place, and also to the width of
the fault area. This would then imply
that unless something radical happens between the time in which we presently
live and the time of the seventh bowl judgement, then an earthquake of such a
great magnitude could only happen on the so-called ‘Ring of Fire.’
greatest earthquakes in recorded history have happened along this ‘Ring of
Fire.’ The two greatest were the
earthquake which occurred in Valdivia, Chile in 1960 (which measured 9.4 – 9.6
on the Richter scale) and the great Alaskan earthquake in 1964 (which had a
magnitude of 9.2). The tsunami which was
created by the Chilean earthquake killed dozens of people as far away as
seismologists tell us that at the present time an earthquake of magnitude 10.0+
is impossible, because there simply isn’t a fault-line which is long and wide
enough on planet earth which could make such an earthquake possible. It would have to extend around most of the
planet. This fact would then seem to
imply that, for this end-time earthquake of the seventh bowl judgement to take
place, there will have to be an increase in the intensity and occurrence of
earthquakes between now and then which will significantly lengthen and widen
existing fault-lines in the earth’s crust.
This dovetails well with the concept of birth pains increasing in
intensity, frequency and regularity as we get nearer to, and then enter into,
these end-time events (Matt. 24:8).
Other significant contributory factors in this may perhaps be the
meteorite-asteroid event of the first four trumpets,[2]
and the end-time shaking of the planet itself outlined above:
‘The earth is broken up, the earth
is split asunder, the earth is thoroughly shaken. The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways
like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion…’
(Isa. 24:19-20)
severe earthquake described in verses 16:18-20 as part of the seventh bowl will
be the greatest seismic convulsion ever experienced on earth, and it will have
catastrophic consequences. An earthquake
of magnitude 7.0+ is strong enough to cause cracks to appear in the ground, and
one of 8.0+ is strong enough to alter river courses and topography. An earthquake of magnitude 9.0+ is strong
enough to devastate a whole area covering thousands of square kilometres.
phrase ‘every island fled away and the mountains could not be found’ (16:20) is
Bible-speak for the widespread geological devastation caused by this planetary
shaking and great earthquake. As a
result, not only will many of the cities of the world collapse, the great
end-time city which is here called ‘Babylon the Great’ will also be destroyed:
‘The great city split into three
parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed.
God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the
wine of the fury of his wrath.’ (Rev. 16:19)
the Great’ is the woman who rides on the Beast and yet is hated by Antichrist
and his ten kings (Rev. 17:16). In this
book, I will not discuss which particular city this might prove to be. In the apostle John’s day, it was obviously
the city of Rome that was being referred to, the city built on seven hills and
which was the centre of the sixth historical manifestation of the Beast system
(Rev. 17:7,9,16).
ch.13 foretells the destruction of the historical Babylon, and verses vv.9-13
(quoted above) are a prophetic foreshadowing of the demise of this end-time
Babylon the Great. It is this passage
and the similar one in Isaiah 34:4 (also quoted above) which are used by the
Holy Spirit to describe the shaking of the heavenly bodies and the earth in
Matthew 24:29 and Luke 21:25-26 towards the end of the Great Tribulation. So this evil, immoral, materialistic and
idolatrous city ‘Babylon the Great’ will be destroyed by fire in one day, and
it is clear that Antichrist and his ten kings will play an active role in her
ruination (Rev. 17:16; 18:8,10). This
seems to be the final event of the Great Tribulation, and it happens just prior
to the Second Advent of Christ.
giant hailstones
there will be a gigantic electrical storm during the time of the seventh bowl,
causing massive hailstones to fall. The
heat experienced on earth in the fourth bowl will evidently have been extreme
enough and sustained enough for sufficient water to be evaporated from the
world’s seas and oceans into the atmosphere to be able to produce the massive
amounts of rain and hail which will fall in this storm. The widespread consequences of the shaking of
the earth and the other nearby planetary bodies during the time of this seventh
bowl, will undoubtedly also be a significant factor contributing to the
formation of this storm.
hailstones referred to are said to weigh about a hundred pounds each
(16:21). Being that the density of ice
is 0.9167 g/cm3, then, if my own calculations are correct, this would mean that
the diameter of these giant hailstones will be around 45 centimetres, i.e. they
will be just under half a metre wide! So
they will be huge! These hailstones will
therefore be big enough to kill any human being and to destroy almost anything
they hit, causing even greater and more widespread devastation than the plague
of hail did in ancient Egypt (Ex. 9:25, cf. Josh. 10:11). And if there were to be hurricane force winds
blowing during this hailstorm, then these hailstones would not simply fall down
to earth vertically. They would fall at
an angle, perhaps almost horizontally, driven by these strong winds, and they
would be travelling very fast indeed.
The devastation this would cause would be simply astounding!
VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by
permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations from
The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the
United Kingdom are vested in the Crown.
Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.
[1] Given the present
world population of around 8.1 billion people, even if say 500 million were to
survive, then over a period of 3½ years that would mean an average worldwide
death rate of around six million people every day during the Great Tribulation.
[2] If the first four
trumpets of Revelation ch.8 do indeed describe the collision of a meteorite and
asteroid with planet earth, then, if these were large enough, their magnitude
of impact would perhaps be enough to damage and crack the earth’s outer crust
to an extent that earthquakes of magnitude greater than 10.0 would be possible.
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