Copyright © 2024 Michael A. Brown
sixth trumpet is the second of the three woes.
In order that the events which it describes can be understood more
easily, I have split them up into three parts as in the sections which follow.
A: The King of the North
Revelation 9:13-21
Because the USA
has played such an important role globally in the world since 1945, many
American commentators make the mistake of interpreting the end-times in the
light of the present day, because they think that nothing significant enough
could ever happen to change America’s world dominance. They assume an Americo-centric view of the sunteleia
after the rapture, and they repeatedly pose the question as to why the
Scriptures do not seem to say anything about the role of the USA in the
end-times. Some of them think that
Antichrist will arise from the USA.
Indeed, there are many videos available on the internet that claim that
almost every successive American President must somehow be the incarnation of
Antichrist! This is all wrong, of
I do not believe that the Scriptures say anything about the role of the USA in
the sunteleia after the rapture.[1] This implies therefore that both the USA and
the present world order will change significantly between now and then. Furthermore, if the prophetic Scriptures are
to be fulfilled, then there must at some stage be a massive exodus of Jews from
the USA to return to Israel. So what
will happen in the social and political life of the USA to cause this? And the rapture itself will result in
significant disruption and changes in the USA which will impact the country
economically, politically, spiritually and morally, because so many millions of
active evangelical Christians will no longer be there. If the rapture were to happen today, for
example, then there would be no restraint strong enough to prevent the radical
left from continuing to put their destructive agenda for the USA into operation
wholesale. The fabric of American life
as we know it today would very soon be torn apart! Furthermore, the fact that Antichrist will be
able to invade Israel militarily and establish his rule there (in the time of
the sixth and seventh trumpets), clearly implies that the protection which
Israel presently enjoys from the USA will no longer be in place. America will no longer be the world’s
policeman. But just how this will
happen, we do not yet know, of course.
are no solid grounds for assuming that the USA will continue to be a dominant
political player in the world after the rapture. I believe that the picture that the
Scriptures give us is that Antichrist will be a Middle Eastern figure. He will arise from the same part of the world
in which the ancient empires mentioned by the prophet Daniel arose. This is supported by the fact that the
central thing which the Scriptures highlight and focus on is his relationship
to Israel and the Jewish people (see below and in the next chapter). The end-time Scriptures are strongly Middle
East-centric, and they are Israel-centric in particular.
significance of the Euphrates region
However, before
Antichrist’s interactions with Israel and the Jewish people come into play, the
first thing we are told about after the blowing of the sixth trumpet is of a
major regional conflict which will take place in the Euphrates region, and this
conflict is therefore the first part of the second woe.
Euphrates region plays a significant role in end-times events. It is mentioned in both Revelation chs.9 and
16 where we are told that the great Euphrates River dries up, allowing the
kings of the East to bring their armies to Ha Megiddo in Israel (9:14,
16:12). The Euphrates River has its
source in Turkey, and then it flows through both Syria and Iraq, before forming
part of the border between Iraq and Iran, and then finally flowing out into the
Arabian Sea. It is thought by many that
the original garden of Eden lay somewhere in this region of Mesopotamia,
because of the mention of both the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the creation
account (Gen. 2:10-14).
the building of the tower of Babel in this area demonstrated practically the
defiance and rebellion of people’s hearts towards God (Gen. ch.11). This region later became the cradle of both
the Assyrian Empire (c900 – c600 BC with its capital in Nineveh, now modern
Mosul) and the later Babylonian Empire (c609 – 539 BC, with its capital in
Babylon). The Assyrians were a cruel
people, and ancient Babylon became a by-word for everything that was carnal,
immoral, occult and idolatrous. In
Satan’s dominion, Babylon became the antithesis of God’s city, Jerusalem. They were the capitals of two opposite and
mutually exclusive spiritual kingdoms, one of light and the other of
darkness. In many ways, this area became
the hub of Satan’s rebellious activity against the kingdom of God in this
world. Satan seems to have had almost
free rein in this area for millennia, almost as if he delighted to take over
and claim for himself the area where God’s original garden once lay. Is it any surprise, therefore, that this area
will become significant again when Antichrist arises in the end-times?
Babylonian Empire was followed by the Persian Empire (559 – 333 BC), which
itself was then conquered by Alexander the Great whose further conquests
established the Greek Empire (333 BC – 146 BC).
As the fragmented Greek Empire weakened and then was itself also
conquered, control of the Euphrates region was split between the Eastern Roman
Empire and the Parthians further to the east.
The eastern borders of the Roman Empire fluctuated as first the
Parthians (247 BC – 224 AD) and then the Persian Sassanids (224 – 651 AD)
intermittently contested this territory.
And then, finally, as the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanids eventually
exhausted themselves through their continuing wars, the rising power of Islam
easily swept through much of the Middle East and North Africa (in 634 – 638 AD)
and then Persia (in 633 – 654 AD). Apart
from a brief period under Mongol control, the whole area of the Euphrates
region has been under the domination and control of Islam (mainly of the Shia
form) from that time on and until the present day.
it is important to note that this part of the world has never known in its
entire history any form of truly liberal democratic government of the form we
know in the West. For centuries past, it
was continually under the heel of various forms of despotic totalitarian rule
and then, more recently, under the unbending theocratic domination of a
succession of Islamic dynasties. This
was followed by the corrupt authoritarianism of different regimes after the
countries of this area eventually gained their independence.
who study Bible prophecy will undoubtedly have followed with keen and prayerful
interest the ongoing events in the Euphrates region since 1991. Firstly, the First Gulf War of 1991 weakened
the grip on power of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
The Second Gulf War of 2003–2011 then removed him completely, but it
resulted in the unforeseen political and religious destabilisation of the
country. This happened because the
Western powers failed to recognise the significance of the major underlying
fault-line which runs through this area, which has historically divided Sunni
Islam from Shia Islam. Sunni Muslims and
Shia groups then fought against each other vying for dominance and power, while
the Kurds fought for their own freedom and autonomy. This left Iraq weak, internally fragmented,
and vulnerable. And then when Syria also
fragmented and virtually fell to pieces during the failed Arab Spring uprising
against President Assad in 2011, this created a very confusing ongoing
multi-sided conflict and consequently a political power vacuum in the
Syria/Iraq region. This then led to the
rise of ISIS in Syria/Iraq in an attempt to unite Sunni Muslims and
re-establish the age-old Islamic Caliphate.
All four of the Euphrates nations – Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran – were
sucked into this conflict as it widened, until ISIS was eventually defeated in
Syria/Iraq. The conflict in Syria is
still ongoing at the time of my writing this book.
since 1991, this whole Euphrates region has been rendered unstable. I do not believe that these events are a
fulfilment of this first part of the sixth trumpet, but I do believe that they
are preparatory to it. This is the
region in which I believe Antichrist will arise, and its ongoing
destabilisation and vulnerability has at least partially prepared the ground
for what will eventually happen in the time of the sixth trumpet, during the
sunteleia after the rapture.
many observers think that the closer relationship which has been developing in
recent years between Russia, Turkey and Iran, may well be preparing the way for
the Gog–Magog conflict of Ezekiel chs.38-39.
If this Gog–Magog war were to take place before the rapture, then this
would certainly affect and change the geopolitics of this region even further.
king of the north
If it is true
that the fifth trumpet describes the rise of Antichrist on a local level, and
if it is also true that the events in the latter days of the sixth trumpet
describe Antichrist’s overcoming of the Two Witnesses, leading to him setting
up the seat of his rule in Jerusalem, both of which I believe to be true, then
it is more than reasonable to interpret these events in the Euphrates region as
Antichrist expanding his power base and establishing himself as a regional
power in that part of the Middle East.
clearly implies therefore that Antichrist will arise out of the north-eastern
part of what is presently the Middle Eastern Islamic world.[2] This might therefore suggest that the man who
becomes Antichrist may have a background in Shi’a Islam, since this is the
predominant religion and form of Islam in that part of the Islamic world. And perhaps he may therefore be hailed as the
long-awaited Mahdi of the Shi’ites.
However, from a biblical perspective, what it certainly does mean is
that Antichrist is the so-called ‘king of the north.’[3],[4]
was the king of the north?
Daniel 7:6, 8:2-26, 11:2-45
After the
untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, the newly-established Greek
Empire quickly fragmented and broke up into four parts. This was revealed in visions to the prophet
Daniel (Dan. 8:8,21-22). The largest of
these four parts became known as the Seleucid Empire, which stretched from
Syria through Mesopotamia (including the Euphrates region) and Persia, reaching
eastwards as far as what is now Afghanistan.
The southern part of the Greek Empire, consisting of the area of Egypt,
northern Sinai and Judea/Palestine, was taken over and ruled by the Ptolemaic
dynasty. However, the areas of Judea and
Palestine were lost to the Seleucid Empire, as a result of the wars that ensued
between these two rivals.
175 BC, after a succession of generational dynastic rulers, a usurper arose and
took over the rule of the Seleucid Empire.
Again, this was revealed to the prophet Daniel (Dan. 8:9-12,23-25). This man was the eighth ruler of the Seleucid
Empire, and he was called Antiochus IV.
Because he believed himself to be a manifestation of the divine in human
form, he added the title ‘Epiphanes’ to his name. So history knows him as Antiochus
Epiphanes. The word of God calls him ‘a
fierce-looking king’ and a ‘master of intrigue.’ It also calls him a ‘small horn’ or the horn
‘which started small.’ He made deceit
prosper and caused astounding devastation (Dan. 8:9,23-25). His reign was characterised by almost
continual conflicts, especially against the Ptolemaic regime to the south. He died in 164 BC.
Antiochus took Jerusalem in 167 BC, he tried to establish control over the Jews
by giving his support to priests who had compromised their faith and become
hellenized. He persecuted those who
adhered to the traditional Jewish customs and beliefs. He suppressed public observance of Jewish
religious laws by forbidding both circumcision and the possession of Jewish
Scriptures on pain of death. He also
forced people to work on the Sabbath, and abolished the offering of sacrifices
at the temple, requiring Jewish leaders to sacrifice to idols instead (Dan.
8:10-12). He went on to desecrate the
temple by setting up what Scripture calls an ‘abomination that causes
desolation’: he erected a statue of the false pagan god Zeus/Jupiter in the
temple for Jews to worship, and he sacrificed a sow (a female pig) on the altar
(Dan. 11:31). Many Jews were killed for
refusing to keep these edicts, and as a warning to others.[5]
commentators agree that the history of the relationship and the military
conflicts between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires is recorded with a
remarkable degree of accuracy in Daniel 11:5-35. In this passage they are called ‘the king of
the south’ and ‘the king of the north.’
These names are used generically to refer to successive rulers of these
empires. However, the title ‘king of the
north’ is used in particular of Antiochus Epiphanes (Dan. 11:21-35).
reason why this evil tyrant Antiochus Epiphanes was/is such a significant
figure biblically, is because he serves as the historical type of the end-times
Antichrist. Antichrist is the end-times
‘king of the north,’ and this title strongly suggests therefore that he too
will arise from the area around the Euphrates region, initially as a ‘little
horn’ (Dan. 7:8, cf. 8:9). In Daniel
ch.11, as in many other prophetic Scriptures, we see a merging of the
historical and the eschatological.
Commentators agree that the passage in Daniel 11:36-45 describes the
end-times Antichrist rather than the historical figure of Antiochus Epiphanes. Just as Antiochus Epiphanes attacked
Jerusalem and persecuted the Jews, so too will Antichrist. Just as he set up an ‘abomination that causes
desolation’ in the temple, so too will Antichrist, as Jesus himself confirmed
(Matt. 24:15). These and other related
issues are dealt with later on in this and the following chapter.
what is this conflict of the sixth trumpet?
In the
description we are given in Revelation 9:13-21 of the first part of the sixth
trumpet, we once again see the superimposition and interweaving of the
spiritual and natural/physical realms.
Human affairs always have a very real background in the active spiritual
realm which is influencing them, and the word of God sometimes gives us
glimpses into this reality. So we are
told of four angels – presumably fallen ones? – who have been bound at the
river Euphrates, and are released in readiness for this very hour (9:14-15).
John’s description of the army in vv.17-19 one could perhaps conclude that he
was simply trying to describe the modern military hardware he saw in his vision
using the more simplistic vocabulary he possessed in his own day.
commentators believe that this war in the Euphrates region is World War 3. This is because they look at the number of
200 million troops (9:16) and simply conclude that it cannot therefore be
anything other than a major global conflict.
And they also therefore conclude that the fraction one-third (referring
to the number of people killed in this conflict) applies to the whole of
humanity (9:15,18). So they deduce that
one-third of the entire population of the world will be killed in this
conflict. However, the Greek words tōn
anthropōn translated as ‘mankind’ in the NIV in vv.15,18 can and perhaps
should be rendered simply as ‘human beings,’ or ‘people.’
I believe that this fraction
applies to the region in which the war takes place, i.e. it means that one-third
of the troops actually involved in a combatant role, or one-third of the total
number of people in the region (whether military or civilian) are killed. So I believe that this conflict is a regional
(and therefore limited) event.
no, I do not believe that this conflict in the Euphrates region is WW3. Neither do I believe that it is the Gog–Magog
conflict of Ezekiel chs.38-39, for the simple reason that that conflict happens
in Israel, even though it involves an alliance of nations from the modern-day
Turkey-Caucasus area. This conflict of
the sixth trumpet happens in the Euphrates region.
I said above, I believe it is reasonable, in the light of the events of the
fifth trumpet and those of the third part of the sixth trumpet, to interpret
these events in the Euphrates region as Antichrist expanding his power base as
the end-times king of the north, and thereby establishing himself as the major
regional power in that part of the Middle East.
This then sets the scene prophetically for the events of the first half
of Daniel’s seventieth week in the third part of the sixth trumpet, which are
described below.
John’s use of
the number 200,000,000 in v.16 is quite specific. He says that he heard this number
clearly. The underlying Greek literally
means ‘two myriad myriads,’ i.e. a very large number. It is similar to his description of the
voices of many angels in heaven: ‘numbering thousands upon thousands, and
ten thousand times ten thousand’ (Rev. 5:11). Here his meaning is obviously figurative,
meaning simply ‘a huge, incalculable number.’
It also evokes memories of God’s own description of the number of the
Israelites becoming like ‘sand on the seashore’ (Gen. 22:17, 32:12),
i.e. a number too large to count.
However, John’s statement that he heard this specific number implies
that it should not be interpreted figuratively to simply mean ‘a huge number,’
but should be taken literally.
How then should
it be interpreted? It is certainly a
huge number for a standing army, far bigger than any standing professional army
of any country in the world at present.
So perhaps it could be interpreted in the following manner: If we are
dealing with the regional growth and expansion of Antichrist’s rule as the
end-time king of the north, then it would be natural to assume that this number
represents not just his growing standing army, but includes all those men (and
perhaps women too) of military age of countries in the wider region who become
allied with him and pledge their support to him, and so provide him with a huge
number of potential able-bodied conscripts.
And the number of countries that would be pledging such support to
Antichrist would certainly be growing at this time. The narrative does not say that all this
number of troops are actually engaged in the conflict which kills one-third of
the people, it simply means that this was the total number available for his
use. So it perhaps indicates the level
to which Antichrist’s potential military strength and power is growing through
the time of this conflict, rather than the actual size of his standing army.
are given some insight into the growing prowess of Antichrist in a comment in
the following verse from Revelation ch.13.
This comment suggests observed and proven experience, and it seems to
imply that Antichrist will be a military genius whom no-one can overcome and
defeat in battle. At least in this
season and until he establishes himself further (Rev. 13:7), he seems to see
victory wherever he turns:
they also worshipped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?”’
(Rev. 13:4)
This would be
supported by the fact that he seems to easily overcome the Israel Defence Force
(IDF) when he invades Israel in the latter part of the sixth trumpet. Perhaps he will manage to do this by sheer
force of numbers, if he has so many able-bodied conscripts to call on, but it
is still no mean feat when we consider that the IDF is presently one of the
more powerful military forces in the world.
He is given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer
them (Rev. 11:7, 13:7).
final word in this section is just to underline once again the lack of
repentance on the part of people who were not touched personally by these
events in the Euphrates region. Again,
they knew, they saw, and they observed, but they did not reflect and
extrapolate from these events that wrapped up implicitly within them was God’s
call to repentance. They did not
understand or discern the longer-term significance for their lives of what was
happening in the Euphrates region.
People may give their attention for a while to what is going on in other
parts of the world, and they may well be shocked by what happens and grieve the
human losses. But they soon move on from
it all in their heart, they return to ‘business as usual,’ and they carry on
blindly with their daily life pretty much unchanged, until the trap from which
they cannot escape closes in on them unexpectedly (Rev. 9:20-21, Luke
20.1 below gives a summary of what we are told about this conflict in the
Euphrates region:
Trumpet: Part A Revelation
9:13-21 Four angels
which have been bound at the Euphrates river are released. They kill a third of the people. The number of 200 million troops is
mentioned. Fire, smoke and
sulphur suggest warfare. The rest of
mankind does not heed the implicit warning to repent. |
Table 20.1 Part A of the sixth
trumpet: conflict in the Euphrates region
Copyright Notice
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
[1] However, those
who do believe that the USA will play a leading role in the emergence of
Antichrist in the end-times, base this belief on an interpretation of the
vision in Daniel ch.7 which sees the lion, bear and leopard as empires which
will exist in the end-times prior to the emergence of Antichrist (who is the
fourth beast). According to this
viewpoint, these three beasts represent USA-UK (the lion with the wings of an
eagle), Russia (the bear) and Islam (the leopard). This interpretation is referred to in the
relevant footnote in chapter 21.
[2] Note that this
area is part of what was once the Eastern Roman Empire. Many people who expect that Antichrist will
arise out of a revived Roman Empire assume a priori that this will be
from what was the European part of the Western Roman Empire. So they expect him to arise from what is
presently the European Union. However,
they tend to forget that the Roman Empire was spread over both its Eastern and
Western parts (including North Africa).
The Western part fell as a result of multiple pagan invasions around 450
– 500 AD, but the Eastern part, the Byzantine Empire, finally fell only in 1453
AD when Constantinople was taken by the Ottoman Turks and re-named
Istanbul. So the Eastern part proved by
far to be the most enduring part of the Roman Empire, outlasting the Western
part by around 1,000 years. See also my
comments on this in the relevant footnote in chapter 21.
[3] The only clues
that Scripture gives us regarding Antichrist’s religious background and allegiance
are found in three enigmatic verses in Daniel 11:37-39, ‘He will show no
regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will
he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honour a god of
fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honour with gold and silver,
with precious stones and costly gifts.
He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god.’
[4] In his book The
Islamic Antichrist, Joel Richardson draws out several interesting parallels
between the biblical Antichrist and the Islamic Mahdi. The coming of the Mahdi as the Caliph of the
worldwide Islamic community is the messianic expectation of the majority of
Muslims, both Sunni and Shi’a. All
Muslims everywhere will submit themselves to him, but they believe that he will
also rule over the nations of the whole world and establish a new world
order. He is looked upon as being an
unparalleled spiritual, political and military leader who will emerge after a
period of great turmoil and suffering on earth.
There is a hadith tradition which says that the Mahdi will arise at the
time of a final peace agreement between the Arabs and ‘the Romans,’ i.e. the
‘Christian’ West. This peace agreement
will be mediated by a Jewish religious figure and will be made for a period of
seven years. Many traditions believe
that this period of seven years will coincide with the Mahdi’s rule. Furthermore, if the Mahdi were indeed the
biblical Antichrist, then the passage in Daniel 11:40-45 would suggest that an
end-times intra-Islamic conflict will take place between the Shi’a faction (led
by the Mahdi/Antichrist as ‘the king of the north’) and the majority Sunni
faction (seen corporately as ‘the king of the south’), as the Mahdi/Antichrist
invades and takes over the Islamic Middle Eastern area. He will also lead his army into Israel and
will conquer it for Islam. The Jews will
be slaughtered until very few remain, and Jerusalem will be the seat of the
Mahdi’s rule over the earth. See
Richardson, J., The Islamic Antichrist, Chapter 4, “The Mahdi: Islam’s
Awaited Messiah,” E-version, WorldNetDaily: Los Angeles, 2009.
[5] The full story of
this period of Jewish history, including the Maccabean revolt which eventually
liberated Judea from Seleucid control, can be found in the books of 1 and 2
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