Copyright © 2024 Michael A. Brown
‘You will hear of wars [and revolutions], but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes [and pestilences] in various places, [and fearful events and great signs from heaven]. All these are the beginning of birth pains.’ (synthesised from Matt. 24:6-8 and Luke 21:11)
In these verses, Jesus likened the signs
of the coming end of this age to birth pains (or, labour pains) in a human
birth process. However, he made it clear
that these ‘signs of the times’ were not the harbinger of his actual return to
earth, saying that ‘the end is still to come’ (v.6). So when we see these signs, we should not be
tempted to think that ‘Jesus will be returning to earth immediately!’ Rather they point to the fact that we are
approaching the end of this age, and that we therefore need to be preparing
ourselves for what is to come. They are
‘the beginning of birth pains.’
Real labour pains / contractions normally
begin around the 39th week or so of pregnancy.
When this happens, the mother’s waters break, and the pregnancy enters
its final stage. The process of giving
birth has begun and is now irreversible.
It is certain that the mother will give birth very soon. The time has come. After this point, the labour pains become
frequent and regular, and they increase very much in intensity. The hardest and most difficult part of giving
birth, when the labour pains are at their strongest and most intense, is at the
very end when the baby finally emerges and is born.
However, as any pregnant woman knows,
contractions can begin much earlier than the 39th week. These so-called ‘Braxton-Hicks contractions’
are real enough, but they are not actual labour pains. They can sometimes be felt as early as the
sixth week of pregnancy. They are
irregular, infrequent, relatively mild, and not very intense. However, they are a foretaste of what is
certainly coming later on. They are
often felt as cramps during the second trimester, but they become increasingly
frequent and stronger during the third trimester. Towards the end of the third trimester, it is
very common for them to be mistaken for ‘the real thing,’ whereas in fact they
are ‘false alarms.’
Predicting the actual day and time of the
breaking of the waters and the onset of real labour contractions is
impossible. The best that medical
science can come up with is simply ‘the expected or due date’ which is based on
the date when the woman believes she conceived.
However, this is simply a guide and a ‘best guess.’ It is an approximate date around which she
can expect that she will give birth. Many
married couples have undoubtedly been through the experience of waiting and
waiting on and around their due date, only to be disappointed by several
‘false alarms.’ The actual day and time
when it will happen is unknown. The best
that the couple can know is that they have reached the period of time when they
are now expecting it to happen ‘sometime very soon’ or ‘any time now.’ So the whole family waits expectantly…
Using this parallel of the human birth
process, the telos (the endpoint) which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:6 is the
birth towards which the pregnancy is leading: the return of Christ to earth in
power and glory, followed by his millennial reign:
‘For the
creation was subjected to frustration… in hope that the creation itself will be
liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of
the children of God. We know that the
whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the
present time.’ (Rom.
Furthermore, the onset of labour is
accompanied by the breaking of the waters at around the same time, and these
two things together signal the demarcation between the milder, less frequent
contractions which happened previously, and the real and painful labour
contractions which lead to the birth.
When this happens, it happens suddenly.
So, using this parallel with the human birth process, it would perhaps
be reasonable for us to view the rapture as the demarcation event which is the
equivalent of the breaking of the waters and the onset of labour. The rapture of the church is the sign of the
beginning of the sunteleia, the end-period of this age, often called the
tribulation period. It is the sign that
this world has entered irreversibly into the period when the return of Christ
and the birth of his kingdom on earth are going to happen very soon. There are no more ‘false alarms.’ There is no more delay. After this sign of the rapture, the world will
enter into the very real, frequent, regular and increasingly intense labour
pains leading ultimately to the return of Christ. Jesus emphasised that the actual day and time
of the rapture is unknown to all except the Father, and that, when it happens,
it will happen suddenly (Matt. 24:36, 1 Thess. 5:3). So the best we can know is that we have
entered into the season in which we know it is going to happen very soon, and
so we wait expectantly for it (Matt. 24:32-33).
The apostle Paul underlined this
parallelism when he spoke about the onset of the day of the Lord (i.e. the
tribulation period) to the Thessalonian believers:
brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety”,
destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.’
(1 Thess. 5:1-3)
Furthermore, prospective parents have
to prepare themselves for the birth of their baby, in terms of getting a room
and baby cot ready, buying in all of the necessary accessories, and packing a
bag with essentials ready for the day when labour starts, and the mother has to
be rushed into hospital for the birth.
Similarly, Jesus told us to prepare ourselves and to be ready for the
rapture, after which this world will pass irreversibly into the tribulation
period. He told us to watch and pray,
and to live a pure life, ready for the day when the Lord returns (Mark
13:33,36-37; 1 John 3:2-3).
This parallelism with birth pains was used
by Jesus in the synthesised passage from Matthew 24:6-8 and Luke 21:11 (quoted
above at the beginning of this section).
So this means that the ‘signs of the times’ which he spoke of, and on
which we keep our eye – wars, revolutions (or, political and social instability),
famines, earthquakes (or, shocking events) and pestilences, fearful events on
earth and great signs from heaven – are like contractions which point to the
soon-coming future events. Certainly, they
are real and painful enough! And
perhaps, as I said in chapter 8, we should throw into the mix such things as
floods and other natural disasters caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis, prolonged and extreme heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and
pandemics, which seem to be happening with increasing frequency and intensity
around the world. Instability, turmoil,
and shocking and fearful events fill our news regularly. These signs are being fulfilled right before
our eyes, and this is plainly evident to anyone who cares to compare these
verses with daily events worldwide. In
our generation, we are seeing a convergence of these signs: they are
increasing in their frequency and intensity, particularly those that are
connected with climate and weather phenomena.
In this context, it is interesting that a report into the 2019-2020 wildfires
in Australia, said that the citizens of that country must now prepare for an
‘alarming’ future of simultaneous and worsening natural disasters.[1],[2]
Furthermore, this parallelism suggests
that such contractions are going to increase in frequency and intensity the
nearer we get to the time of the rapture.
And then, after the rapture, with the onset of the day of the Lord and
the tribulation period, these signs will increase greatly in their intensity
and regularity, leading up to the actual return of Christ to earth. Indeed, because the passage in Matthew
24:4-14 is descriptive of the first half of the seven-year tribulation period
(as we saw in chapter 6), then these signs will certainly be happening
regularly and intensely in the tribulation period. This is confirmed by Jesus’ description of
the second half of the tribulation period:
the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing
of the sea. Men will faint from terror,
apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be
shaken.’ (Luke
One strand of confused thinking which
believers may perhaps fall into, is that everything will become really bad in
the world before the rapture. This is
wrong. Although the frequency of
contractions, the signs of the times, certainly does increase before real
labour begins, and so things generally in the world may certainly get more
difficult, yet the most difficult and intense part happens after the
rapture. It is then that the world
passes from relative ‘peace and safety’ into the time of destruction in the day
of the Lord (1 Thess. 5:3). The
frequency of the signs of the times then increases greatly: the contractions
are more intense and painful, they happen very close together, and, ultimately,
they come almost one on top of another.
It is in that period that there will be no rest, until the birth takes
But this is not to say that things
will not get difficult for believers before the rapture. They might well do, as the world continues to
approach the time when Antichrist will arise.
The rapture is not an escape clause from suffering and persecution in
this world! Notwithstanding this,
however, there is no reason why believers cannot expect to see an increasing
harvest of souls during the last years before the rapture, as the power and
glory of God continue to work worldwide to bring salvation to those who will
respond to the gospel message.
In the different sections of this chapter,
I have attempted to sketch an overview of the various macro-factors and signs
which the Scriptures tell us will characterise the end-times in which we
live. As I have said before, any
believer who has a reasonable grasp of the word of God, and who has an eye to
watch and observe the development of these various macro-factors and signs in
our world today, cannot in all honesty draw any conclusion other than that we
are now reaching the end of the end-times.
All these macro-factors and signs are converging and coming together at
the same time. Like pieces in a jigsaw
puzzle they are being assembled together, and the puzzle is now not far from
being completed. They suggest – indeed
they call to us with an increasingly loud voice! – that we are now in the
season when the end-period of this age will soon be upon us. God’s end-time clock is inexorably ticking
down, and its fingers really have almost reached ‘zero hour’!
So, as I said at the beginning of this
chapter, even though the spiritual state of the world is waxing worse and
worse, and the contractions of the signs of the times are happening with
increasing frequency, yet we should carry on joyfully and faithfully with the
work of the Lord. In these end-times, he
will continue to build his church and bring in the gospel harvest, and we can inwardly
rest in the deep peace and assurance of knowing that our Bridegroom will soon
come to receive us unto himself.
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
[1] From July 2019 to March 2020, wildfires swept across
24 million hectares of land. It was
Australia's most intense bushfire season on record, though not its most deadly. The blazes affected every Australian state,
destroyed over 3,000 homes, and killed or displaced nearly three billion
animals. See,the%20nation%20%2D%20and%20other%20disasters, accessed 10.12.2020.
[2] In response to the record-breaking
temperatures in many places worldwide during July 2023, and the consequent outbreak
of apocalyptic wildfires in some places, the Secretary General of the UN
Antonio Guterres said that the era of global warming has ended, and the era of
‘global boiling’ has arrived. His
response was framed as an exhortation to swiftly cut carbon emissions in
deference to net-zero ideology. Scientists
later confirmed that July 2023 was the world’s hottest month on record, and
that 2023 itself was the hottest year on record. See, accessed 28.07.2023, and's%20official%3A%202023%20was%20the,a%20record%20low%20in%202023, accessed 30.01.2024.
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