Welcome to this blogsite which contains the text of my book on the end-times and general eschatology, Apocalypse Rising. I hope you enjoy it, and that you grow in your understanding of the end-times through reading it.
Part 1 deals with the subject of the pretribulation rapture of the bride of Christ, and the relevant tab above simply re-directs you to the blogsite The Rapture of the Bride where you will find those chapters.
Some of the chapters in Apocalypse Rising are rather long, and so in order that the blogs are not overly long, I have split these chapters up into several sections and presented each section as a separate blog. For example, chapter 14 on "Knowing the Season" has been split up into three sections, and these are presented as blogs 14a, 14b and 14c. Similarly with other chapters in Apocalypse Rising.
Michael A. Brown
If you wish to purchase a copy of Apocalypse Rising, you can do this by clicking on the following link: click here
To go to our Pastors' Blog, and to find links to our other blogsites on various subjects, then please click on the following link: click here
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